Can I Get a Job With a Degree From Devry

Joint Agreement: DeVry Academy

DeVry University has adult this Degree Plan Transfer Guide to assist students transferring from Midwestern Career College to DeVry. This guide doesn't represent all courses required for DeVry programs; rather, information technology provides a listing of courses that, when completed at Midwestern Career College, may transfer to DeVry. For a complete list of course requirements in each DeVry program, please see their academic catalog.

Delight note: a form of C or higher is required for all transfer credits to DeVry Academy.

English Linguistic communication Proficiency Requirement

Students who take successfully completed all of the following Intermediate English courses meet the English language Language requirement for access:

Intermediate Grammer Intermediate Listening/Speaking Intermediate Reading Intermediate Writing

Business Administration Available's Degree Program

Below, courses on the right side of the table are MCC courses that will transfer credit to DeVry University. Their directly equivalent is on the left side.

DeVry University Courses Midwestern Career Higher Courses
 BUSN 115: Introduction to Business and Engineering science  BUSN 110: Introduction to Business Administration
 BUSN 258: Customer Relations  BUSN 130: Customer Relationship Management
 BUSN 319: Marketing  MKTG 110: Principles of Marketing
 BUSN 350: Business Analysis  BUSN 170: Fundamentals of Business organization Analysis
 BUSN 379: Finance  FNCE 110: Introduction to Finance
 COMP 110: Computer Applications for Business  CSIT 100: Computer Applications
 ENGL 112: Composition  ENGL 114: English language Limerick ane
 GCSM 206: Managing Operations Beyond the Supply Chain  BUSN 150: Business organization Operations
 HUMN 303: Introduction to Humanities  HUM 115: Introduction to Humanities
 MGMT 303: Principles of Management  MGMT 120: Principles of Management
 MGMT 340: Digital Marketing Fundamentals  BUSN 140: Social Media Marketing
 MGMT 404: Projection Direction  MGMT 250: Project Direction

Transferring Electives to the Business Assistants Degree:

  • Advice Skills: Upwardly to six semester-credit hours of coursework in an applicative communication skills subject area can be practical as advice skills credit.
  • Humanities: Up to six semester-credit hours of coursework in whatever applicable humanities field of study can be applied as humanities credit.
  • Social Sciences: Up to 9 semester-credit hours of coursework in whatsoever applicable social science discipline tin can be applied as social science credit.
  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Iii semester-credit hours of coursework in any applicative natural sciences discipline can be practical as natural scientific discipline credit.
  • Business Core Electives: Up to 9 semester-credit hours of qualifying prior college coursework not meeting other program requirements may exist applied toward constituent hours.

Direction Bachelor's Degree Program

Below, courses on the right side of the tabular array are MCC courses that will transfer credit to DeVry University. Their directly equivalent is on the left side.

DeVry University Courses Midwestern Career Higher Courses
 BUSN 115: Introduction to Business and Technology  BUSN 110: Introduction to Business organisation Administration
 BUSN 258: Client Relations  BUSN 130: Customer Relationship Management
 BUSN 319: Marketing  MKTG 110: Principles of Marketing
 BUSN 350: Business Analysis  BUSN 170: Fundamentals of Concern Analysis
 BUSN 379: Finance  FNCE 110: Introduction to Finance
 COMP 100: Calculator Applications for Business  CSIT 100: Computer Applications
 ENGL 112: Composition  ENGL 114: English Composition 1
 GCSM 206: Managing Operations Across the Supply Concatenation  BUSN 150: Business Operations
 MGMT 303: Principles of Direction  MGMT 120: Principles of Management
 MGMT 340: Digital Marketing Fundamentals  BUSN 140: Social Media Marketing
 MGMT 404: Projection Management  MGMT 250: Project Management

Transferring Electives to Management Degree:

  • Humanities: Three semester-credit hours of coursework in any applicable humanities field of study can be applied equally humanities credit.
  • Social Sciences: Upwards to half-dozen semester-credit hours of coursework in any applicable social science field of study tin can exist applied as social science credit.
  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences: 3 semester-credit hours of coursework in any applicative natural sciences subject field tin be applied as natural science credit.
  • Boosted General Education: Three semester-credit hours of coursework in any applicable general education subject field tin can exist practical toward this program requirement.

Technical Direction Bachelor's Degree Plan

DeVry University'south Technical Management Bachelor'south Caste Program also features an opportunity to specialize in i particular medical or technical field. Below, courses on the right side of the table are MCC courses that will transfer credit to DeVry University, regardless of which specialization you pursue. Their direct equivalent is on the left side.

DeVry Academy Courses Midwestern Career College Courses
 BUSN 115: Introduction to Business and Technology  BUSN 110: Introduction to Business Administration
 BUSN 319: Marketing  MKTG 110: Principles of Marketing
 COMP 100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab  CSIT 100: Figurer Applications
 ENGL 112: Composition  ENG 114: English Limerick 1
 MGMT 303: Principles of Direction  MGMT 120: Principles of Management
 MGMT 404: Project Management  MGMT 250: Project Management

Technical Specialty: Surgical Engineering

DeVry Academy Courses Midwestern Career College Courses
 SUR 101: Introduction to Surgical Technology  SUR 120: Surgical Engineering Lab II
 SUR 102: Surgical Applied science Lab I  SUR 151: Surgical Procedures for General, GYN, GU, and Plastic/Reconstructive
 SUR 110: Sterile Processing  SUR 152: Surgical Procedures for Eyes, Ears, Nose and Pharynx Cases
 SUR 115: Preoperative Procedures  SUR 153: Surgical Procedures for Ortho, Spine, Neuro Cases
 SUR 117: Intraoperative Procedures  SUR 154: Surgical Procedures for Cardio, Thoracic, Peripheral and Vascular Cases
 SUR 119: Postoperative Procedures  SUR 155: Surgical Technology Lab III

Technical Specialty: Non-Invasive Cardiovascular Sonography

DeVry University Courses Midwestern Career Higher Courses
 CCT 103: Cardiology Lab  CVS 230: Cardiac Diseases
 CCT 104: Cardiology I  CVS 236: Echocardiograpy Protocol Ii
 CCT 105: Cardiology Ii  CVS 237: Patient Care, Law, and Ethics in Sonography
 CCT 122: Echocardiography Protocol I  CVS 238: Echocardiography Protocol III
 CCT 123: Cardiac Hemodynamic  CVS 243: Echo Modalities and NICVS Review Grade
 CVS 124: Systolic & Diastolic Functions  PHY 112: Ultrasounds Physics & Instrumentation I
 CVS 125: Systolic & Diastolic Functions Lab  PHY 113: Ultrasounds Physics & Instrumentation Two

Technical Specialty: Diagnostic Medical Sonography

DeVry University Courses Midwestern Career College Courses
 DMS 110: Abdomen/Superficial Structures I  DMS 232: Scanning Principles and Protocols OB/GYN I
 DMS 115: Scanning Principles and Protocols I  DMS 240: OB/GYN I
 DMS 120: Abdomen/Superficial Structures Two  DMS 246: Vascular Ultrasound
 DMS 121: Patient Care, Law, and Ideals in Sonography  PHY 114: Sonographic Physics & Instrumentation I
 DMS 124: Scanning Principles & Protocols II  PHY 115: Sonographic Physics & Instrumentation Ii

Technical Specialty: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Technology

DeVry University Courses Midwestern Career College Courses
 MRI 111: MRI Physics and Instrumentation I  MRI 233: Exclusive Beefcake II
 MRI 112: MRI Physics and Instrumentation II  MRI 237: MRI Positioning and Procedures I
 MRI 121: Laws and Ethics in Imaging Sciences  MRI 238: MRI Positioning and Procedures II
 MRI 122: Patient Intendance and Condom in MRI  MRI 239: MRI Positioning and Procedures III
 MRI 123: Sectional Anatomy I  MRI 249: Medical Imaging Pathology

Technical Specialty: Business organization Administration

DeVry University Courses Midwestern Career College Courses
 BUSN 258: Customer Relations  BUSN: 130 Customer Human relationship Management
 BUSN 379: Finance  FNCE 100: Introduction to Finance
 GCSM 206: Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain  BUSN 170: Fundamentals of Business Analysis
 MKTG 340: Digital Marketing Fundamentals  BUSN 140: Social Media Marketing

Technical Specialty: General Technical Pick

DeVry University Courses Midwestern Career College Courses
 BUSN 115: Introduction to Business and Engineering  BUSN 110: Introduction to Business Administration
 BUSN 319: Marketing  MKTG 110: Principles of Marketing
 COMP 100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab  CSIT 100: Calculator Applications
 ENGL 112: Composition  ENG 114: English language Composition i
 MGMT 303: Principles of Direction  MGMT 120: Principles of Management
 MGMT 404: Project Management  MGMT 250: Project Management

Transferring Electives to Technical Direction Degree:

  • Humanities: Three semester-credit hours of coursework in any applicable humanities discipline tin be applied as humanities credit.
  • Social Sciences: Upwardly to 6 semester-credit hours of coursework in any applicative social science bailiwick can be practical as social science credit.
  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Three semester-credit hours of coursework in any applicable natural sciences discipline can be applied as natural science credit.
  • Electives: Up to 25 semester-credit hours of qualifying prior college coursework not meeting other program requirements may be applied toward elective hours.
  • Additional General Education: Three semester-credit hours of coursework in any applicable general education discipline can be applied toward this program requirement.


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