Spy Vs Spy Game Boy Color Reviews Mobygames

User Reviews

A peachy old skool FPS very reminiscent of Goldeneye on the N64 Bart Read (sixteen) 4.29 Stars 4.29 Stars 4.29 Stars 4.29 Stars 4.29 Stars

Our Users Say

Category Clarification User Score
Acting The quality of the voice or video acting. 4.0
AI The quality of the game'south intelligence, usually for the beliefs of opponents. three.9
Gameplay How well the game mechanics piece of work and the game plays. four.two
Graphics The visual quality of the game 4.0
Personal Slant A personal rating of the game, regardless of other attributes iv.3
Audio / Music The quality of the sound effects and/or music composition four.one
Story / Presentation The main creative ideas in the game and how well they are executed. This rating is used for every game except compilations and special editions which don't have unique game content not available in a standalone game or DLC. 4.2
Overall User Score (13 votes) 4.i

Critic Reviews

MobyRanks are listed below. You tin can read here for more information most MobyRank.


In Common cold Winter, players take on the role of Andrew Sterling, a rogue British secret amanuensis. The storyline is a mish-mash of kooky conspiracy theories and secret agent shenanigans, but y'all won't play Cold Winter to curiosity at its intricate plot; you'll play it because it'south the best PS2 first-person shooter ever fabricated.


Common cold Winter is the latest game to get tossed on the growing FPS heap for the PS2. With the competition growing in numbers and quality information technology actually takes a special game to stand out, and Sierra has crafted but the right mix of spy-thrilling activity and encarmine combat to continue you glued to your Dual Stupor for the viii-10 story fashion and perhaps a few more hours of multiplayer afterward that.


What would take been merely an amusing romp becomes a seriously engrossing play because of an first-class script and some compelling phonation acting, lending a truly cinematic flair to the whole game. Don't miss out simply because this is an unfamiliar character and series. Y'all might be surprised with this one.


The gameplay that Swordfish Studios has crafted takes the Playstation ii hardware for a serious spin. Squeezing the trigger and firing off rounds is a satisfying endeavor, but the one area where Cold Winter stands out from the remainder of the FPS pack is the loftier level of interaction that it places into the hands of the player. The fact that these deportment cane be used to expand upon the gritty gameplay makes information technology all the more impressive.


Als Shooter-Fan durchlebt human in Cold Winter ein ständiges Wechselbad der Gefühle. Während die geradlinige Action, dice solide Technik und die im Ansatz interessante Story für großen Spielspaß sorgen, verderben die schwammige Steuerung, einige langweilige Missionen und das Storyverständnis die Lust an Cold Wintertime. In seinen besten Missionen gleich zu Beginn und im letzten Drittel des Spieles hält der Shooter locker mit PS2-Genrekönig Killzone mit, doch letztlich reicht es für den Newcomer nur zu einer niedriger 80er Wertung. Wer an einigen langweilig designten Missionen nicht dice Lust verliert und mit der Steuerung zu Recht kommt, wird aber von Cold Winter für 10 Stunden glänzend unterhalten.


So, to conclude, this is a brilliant effort from a small development team, which succeeds not in flair or in originality, but by doing the things information technology does very well and having an extremely solid structure. If y'all want a quality FPS on the PS2 and haven't given Common cold Wintertime a try yet, I fully recommend it.


Cold Wintertime hits the scene when most players are itching for something new. While almost everything hither has been done before, in Common cold Wintertime, you'll definitely observe an exciting and fast-paced game. The single role player portion doesn't cover any new basis, runs a bit short, and leaves yous wanting more. Thankfully, in that location's a solid multiplayer mode, and although it has a few problems and doesn't offer upwards anything new, you'll take a lot of fun if you find yourself getting into it. It may not be the prettiest or the most innovative FPS out there, but Common cold Winter is worth a await.


You lot are former MI6 agent Andrew Sterling. You have been captured past Communist China and are being tortured at 1 of their prisons for political prisoners. Y'all have been browbeaten. Y'all have been starved. Your fingers have been broken in an attempt to extract information. Your country has disavowed all noesis of your beingness.


Krawall ohne Kompromisse: Swordfishs Ego-Shooter macht vieles richtig - von der actiongeladenen Inszenierung über die tadellose Spielbarkeit bis zur gelungenen Synchronisation. Selbst Shooter-Neulingen gelingt dank moderatem Schwierigkeitsgrad und fairen Checkpoints der Einstieg, während sich Ballerprofis an der unkomplizierten Thematik erfreuen. Einige Ärgernisse verwehren "Common cold Winter" jedoch höhere Wertungsweihen: Sauer stößt vor allem der abwechslungsarme Spielverlauf auf. In sixteen Missionen trabt Ihr durch mal mehr, mal weniger hübsche 08/15-Levels und knallt bis auf wenige Ausnahmen Fußvolk über den Haufen. Letzteres nervt mit durchschnittlicher KI: Zwar agieren einige Gesellen durchaus intelligent und suchen Deckung, der Großteil biedert sich aber als Kanonenfutter an. Erfrischend dagegen der Einsatz der Objekt-Physik: Leider nehmen gegen Ende der etwa zehnstündigen Ego-Knallerei die Interaktions-Möglichkeiten zusehends ab.


Cold Winter ist ein netter Shooter für zwischendurch, der vor allem durch die wirklich gelungene Physik-Engine, das Zusammenbauen von Sprengsätzen und Gadgets sowie der klischeehaften, aber dennoch unterhaltsamen Story überzeugen kann – auch wenn hier nicht sonderlich viel Neues geboten wird. Obwohl die Szenarien recht vielfältig und abwechslungsreich ausgefallen sind, fehlt dem Titel nicht nur der grafische Feinschliff, auch gravierende Slowdowns trüben den Gesamteindruck. Hinzu kommt fast schon die Todsünde, dem Spieler eines 3D-Shooters die Sensibilitäts-Einstellungen an den Analogstick zu verwehren und stattdessen das Gameplay standardmäßig eher träge zu gestalten. Dennoch sollten sich Fans des Genres Cold Wintertime ansehen, denn für eine coole Ballerei im Sommer reicht es allemal! Bitte bedenkt, dass es in Germany trotz der 18er-Plakette nur geschnitten erscheint. Wer den Titel unzensiert genießen möchte, sollte daher zu UK-Fassung greifen, die beträchtlich härter ausfällt.


A offset-person shooter involving terrorists, nuclear weapons, spies, and secret government organizations sounds about as redundant every bit the title of Sierra's latest title, Cold Winter. However, despite the cliche plot, the presentation and unproblematic but satisfying gameplay of Cold Winter makes it stand out among the multitude of shooters already available for the PlayStation 2. Common cold Winter isn't the best in its class, but it's definitely worth playing if you're looking for a solid single-player shooter with a decent online component to back it upwardly.


IGN (May 10, 2005)

"Boy, Common cold Winter is terribly brownish and boxy. Nosotros think we'll just pass on this one and selection up a copy of Rogue Agent, which seems far more than color-- Hey now! There's a known murderer in a pink bikini! Permit's encounter if we tin't become united states of america a date for tonight."


Cold Wintertime is a good shooter, with a decent feel and solid action. Information technology is, notwithstanding, a little linear and that may touch on replay value.


If shooting people in Killzone, Halo, SOCOM, or XIII isn't enough, Vivendi Universal'southward Common cold Winter will probable satisfy the shooting fans that play it. Swordfish, the developers, did a noble job with the storyline and cut-scenes, simply the deadened voices through poor audio quality are a let-downwards. Overall though, my game experience was mostly positive. Cold Winter deserves at least a weekend rental, if not a cautious buy, when it drops in price.


Cold Wintertime is zeker geen slecht spel, maar ook geen topspel. Ondanks dat het gewoon een standaard FPS-spel is, is het toch wel vermakelijk. Het speelt lekker weg en vooral de cutting-scènes zijn erg mooi gemaakt. Het combineren van verschillende onderdelen is leuk gedaan, maar had iets beter uitgewerkt kunnen worden, je kunt dus helaas geen superbommen maken. Het spel is erg lineair, maar dit doet meestal niet af aan de game-ervaring. Het zorgt er juist voor dat er genoeg vaart blijft zitten in het spel, waardoor het niet snel gaat vervelen. Het is geen game voor kleine kinderen, aangezien er aardig wat geweld in de game zit. Grafisch gezien haalt dit spel niet alles uit de PS2 en alles lijkt op elkaar waardoor het soms erg onduidelijk is. Cold Winter is een standaard FPS, maar wel netjes uitgewerkt. Het spel krijgt van mij een 7.


Cold Winter doesn't bring annihilation new to the FPS genre, and the so-so production values for the PS2 don't help it rise above the pack in whatsoever way. However, if y'all're looking for some run and gun activeness to while away the hours until something new comes out, Cold Wintertime does practise FPS well, it just doesn't requite yous annihilation new. Recommended as a rental or a disbelieve buy.


In terms of how it ranks as a PS2 shooter, it hands trounces the more high contour big budget releases such equally Rogue Amanuensis and Killzone, and in many respects is a far more satisfying unmarried-histrion experience than even TimeSplitters Future Perfect. On that note, Cold Winter felt at times like a nighttime TimeSplitters, almost GoldenEye-esque in feel and certainly deserves much credit for delivering an achieved alternative that hits the marker enough to warrant a recommendation to those that hunger for a decent PS2 shooter. It's troubling to acknowledge that it just needed that extra bit of polish to elevate information technology to the giddy heights Swordfish probably deserved for all of its (cough) Sterling efforts.


Unfortunately the game is too linear and the graphics and sound departments did as much wrong equally they did right. The multiplayer isn't much to speak of when compared to other games on the market place, but the single thespian feel offers an intriguing story. If you're waiting for the next Bail game or are looking for a fresh take on the FPS genre you lot should bank check out Cold Wintertime. Recommended.


If you take a decent PC or an Xbox, even so, there are many, many better shooters out there. Common cold Wintertime's got a lot of features that I'd like to see make their way into other games, like the improvised weapons and the interactive environments, but it's nix I can recommend unless you've played every other FPS out there.


Despite the PlayStation ii's authorisation in this generation's panel war, the console hasn't been able to provide a great, exclusive first-person shooter. The Timesplitters series has been the leading franchise on the PlayStation 2, yet that has been bachelor to Xbox and GameCube owners. Killzone had its moments, but ultimately savage somewhat curt of its potential and little else has given PlayStation 2 owners anything like what Xbox owners now wait from an FPS.


The showtime-person shooter has never had much of a home on the PS2. Sure, fans of the panel can defend the many ports and few console-specific titles out there, but once we starting time being honest the truth just isn't pretty. And neither is Cold Winter (peculiarly for someone used to looking at games like Halo two), merely Vivendi's first original FPS is a solid game with plenty personality to carry players over the roughest spots.


Si vous êtes noyé dans la masse tentaculaire de Kickoff Person Shooter sur PS2 et que vous recherchez united nations titre suffisamment réaliste et accessible pour vous donner envie d'aller jusqu'au bout sans vous faire bouillir la cervelle, Cold Winter vous tend les bras. Pas franchement joli ni très original, le titre de Swordfish a tout de même ce qu'il faut pour vous faire passer un bon moment.


רוצים משחק פעולה בסיסי, מהיר ומהנה? חפשו את כותרי טיים ספליטרס, המתבלטים בעיקר במשחקים מרובי משתתפים מטורפים, אך מתעלים על קולד ווינטר גם בשלבי השחקן היחיד. לא משנה מי אתם ומה אתם אוהבים במשחקים שלכם, קולד ווינטר הוא ממש לא הכותר שחסר בספרייתכם. הסתכלו טוב טוב על הציונים, כאן למטה. האמינו לי - אני עוד במצב רוח רגוע וסלחני.


Source: https://www.mobygames.com/game/ps2/cold-winter/mobyrank

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